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Jurassic Par...
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Referring to a line from Jurassic Park, he adds: 'People are too busy thinking about what they can do to think about whether they should do it.'


The headlines conjured up futuristic images of armies of clones, or human beings reconstructed from a few cells'u2014a sort of Jurassic Park for humans.


Jurassic Park came out on my 10th birthday.


Jurassic Park had broken all box office records.


Is spielberg's Jurassic Park razor - clawed Velociraptor an accurate portrayal?


Nick: Well, along with Jurassic Park!

尼克: 这个嘛, 还要加上《侏罗纪公园》!

You must have seen Jurassic Park.


Jurassic Park was the blockbuster movie of 1993.


Did you see the movie Jurassic Park?

你看过电影《侏罗纪公园》 吗 ?

The Jurassic Park dinos made it very clear how nearly perfect synthetic body representations are today.


After these highly successful Spielberg made several follow - ups of Jaws and Jurassic Park.


Coast Railway, went through the rainforest. It was like Jurassic Park, but without dinasores.

西海岸的小火车, 带你穿雨林. 奇妙的旅程,好像侏罗纪公园, 好多的史前植物.不过没看见恐龙.

Nick: Well, along with Jurassic Park! Nice going, you got the right answer.

尼克: 这个嘛, 还要加上《侏罗纪公园》! 不错喔, 你答对了.

In Zi Gong there's this really big dinosaur museum and I call it Chinese Jurassic Park.


"Jurassic Park"的基本信息





